A Pink Princess House

Dreading the day when I have to deal with a house full of PMS'ing teenagers. For now I will cherish all the sweet things they say and do. I know all to well the hormonal roller coaster thats awaits me around the corner!

Monday, October 31, 2005



Sunday, October 30, 2005

I need girl coffee

The only way I can drink coffee is with coffee mate creamer. While PG with Sarah, I craved the toasted almond flavor.. Then all of a sudden it was gone.. I could no longer find it, so I started drinking the hazelnut. Maddison and I would have coffee together every morning..Hers with a tad of coffee a touch of creamer and lots of milk....Every morning she would say " I need girl coffee". She has outgrown the whole coffee thing, but someone has followed in her foot steps. Sarah is a bear in the mornings. Don't even talk to her till she has her morning "girl coffee"! She refused to put Pj's on the night before and we compromised with this dress... Well she refused to take it off in the morning and this was as far as I got it....

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

10 Pet Peeves and a Rant

There are so many things that are getting on my nerves lately. I'm sure a lot can relate to the last one! (the rant!)
Pet Peeves
  1. Not being able to find anything decent for my 8 year old to wear. I wouldn't even let an 18 year old wear half of it!
  2. Ordering take out from across town, only to get home and realize they forgot half of the order. Don't know if DH will ever get the whole "check the bag" thing.
  3. Plus size catalogs with size 6 models. I would much rather see what it is going to look like on me.. Not the shock of putting it on and realizing I look nothing like the model did in it!
  4. Making an appointment, then having to sit and wait for an hour.
  5. People standing in the middle of the isle visiting, only to scoot over an inch to let you pass.
  6. People who lie
  7. know it alls
  8. People who think they are better than you
  9. People driving slow in the fast lane
  10. People who are late all the time


DH going hunting/camping for 5 days because he needs to get away and relax. For all thinking shame on him for hunting, They don't hunt. It's just an excuse for a bunch of men to go sit in their long Johns around a camp fire, drinking beer, burping ,farting and scratching there nether regions.All while Beating there chest and marking there territory all over the woods....Which is all just fine.... Not.. I want my break! I want to go sit in the woods and drink beer, scratch my unit and squat all over the great outdoors...Ok , well maybe not.. All I want is to sit in a nice jacuzzi tub with a bottle of wine and candles and not have a hand and eyeball poking from under the door,begging to be let in. Five straight days of just me and the girls..That should be lots of fun.Dentist

Old lady in the house..

No I'm not talking about myself. I'm talking about Maddison. She has always had what she calls "labor pains". When she was a toddler we would be awoken by her screaming and crying because her legs hurt. We would rub them give her some meds and back to bed we would go. She got to the point that she would use these pains to her advantage. When she was told to do something, she would all of a sudden have a "labor pain". Well we caught on and stared giving our little drug feen her fix with ematrol anti-nausea medication..If the pain went away, we new she was faking. If she was still in pain 10 minutes later we knew It was for real... Well, last night as we were leaving dance class she started whining that her elbow hurt I said"did you bump it on something" she said" no, it all this cold weather that we are having". I swear sometimes I feel like I am living with a 80 year old woman! Maybe she can knit me a sweater.Knitting

Friday, October 21, 2005

50 things about me

Thought I would share 50 boring things about little'ol me...

  1. I'm 34
  2. I'll be 35 in Dec. I was born on my dads B-day
  3. I don't get excited about my B-days anymore.
  4. I've been married twice
  5. Suffered unexplained infertility for 5 yrs
  6. Never thought I would be a mom
  7. I Got very depressed
  8. Divorced ex hubby after finding out he had been cheating for years
  9. Partied my depression away for a year
  10. Shockingly discovered I was pg, unwed and un-employed......And VERY happy.
  11. DD saved my life
  12. I am married to a very awesome man and wonderful father
  13. My first job was at a hospital
  14. I talk to my mom at least 3 times a day
  15. I am so thankful to have her(even though we have some pretty heated arguments)
  16. I have a brother 2 years younger and a half sister 2 years older. I have talked to her, but have never met her
  17. I think I will one day
  18. I am overweight
  19. I have got to do something about it
  20. Hate shaving my legs
  21. especially in the winter
  22. My favorite holiday is Christmas
  23. I believe in angels
  24. I have never had a ticket
  25. I don't know why
  26. Have the same best friend since first grade
  27. Took dance class when little and have the embarrassing pics to prove it.
  28. Had a drinking problem after my divorce
  29. Only drink a few times a year now..Took me sobering up to realize I didn't like the taste of it
  30. Never have cheated......I've been cheated on more times than I can count
  31. Secretly wished for a girl with each pg
  32. Favorite job I ever had was in a photo lab
  33. least favorite job was a nursing home (one day)
  34. I get migraines 1 to 3 times a week
  35. I'm suppose to wear glasses
  36. They drive me nuts
  37. I have some grey hair. They multiply every year.
  38. My favorite food is steak and shrimp fajitas
  39. I feel uncomfortable in a large group
  40. I am deathly afraid of heights
  41. I have never flown on a plain
  42. Only a helicopter when I was 15
  43. I started smoking at age 16 and stopped in my late 20's
  44. The smell of cig smoke now makes me very ill
  45. I love to scrapbook
  46. I never seem to have the time
  47. I have a fear of dying young and missing my girls grow up
  48. I broke my wrist and ankle when I was young
  49. The only surgery I have had is my gulbladder out at 27 and a lump removed from my breast when I was 3 months pg with dd#3
  50. I am so unorganized

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Power of the balls

Yes I did send DH across the border to buy some power ball tickets and as I sit here waiting to hear those lucky numbers I realize I have no chance in hell in winning. I have never won anything in my life..Well I take that back, When I was in the 4th grade I won a stuffed slush puppy and when I was working for Wal-mart I won a ham. Wow , now that is luck! Maybe its for the best, I would gooo nuts with all that money. Pay off all my bills, Buy a 5 bedroom house so I would have a place to put all my scrapbooking stuff other than on the kitchen bar. Pay some bills for family and friends, a little nip and tuck for myself( oh,who am I kidding? A lot of nip and tuck)! And a boob lift, A nice vacation to show off all that body work, give to some charities. Even told my good friend I would buy her a Hottie to do everything she asked only if I can come over and look at him once in a while... I could go on and on, but I won't. I guess I am off to glue myself to the TV and wait for my magic balls!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Lysol Please!

I wouldn't be surprised to open my front door and find a quarantine sticker across my entry way. I am so tired of scrubbing toilets and holding that damn puke bucket. Dh has been ever so helpful, So nice of him to hand me the bucket after Maddie has heaved so much her eyeballs bulged out of her head, and say here.. As if he has no idea where the bathroom is..He has a week stomach and I am pretty much on my own when it comes to this stuff. Oh how I hope and pray that Sarah has scared the virus off with her nasty little temper (believe me, if I were a bug of any kind I would avoid invading her body at all cost).
The girls are upset that they are missing Pajama day. I really have no problems with them wearing PJ's to school,They probably cover more than the clothes do. Have you seen the clothes they have for 8 year old girls these days? Shirts Cut so low(or high for that matter), your afraid one of their little mounds will pop out or pants so low their butt crack hangs out everytime they bend over. Good thing that I never win anything because right now if the opportunity presented itself I would have bags packed, and on the first plane, train or automobile out of this Virus infested house!!!

Monday, October 17, 2005

Knee deep...

I feel like I am knee deep in vomit and phlym..Jordan has a stomach virus, but she swears she is allergic to the deer meat she ate at her dads.(YUCK). Sarah has a horrible dry wheezy cough and stuffy nose and as I was getting ready to wake Maddie this morning, what do I hear? A barking noise coming from her room. UGH! And to top it all off My moms cavalier she just got last weekend has the dog flu. It has lost so much weight and they really don't know if it is going to live.Since we live next door to them and the girls have handled it and then come home and handled our dogs, I'm afraid ours will get it. I just hope our pg silky doesn't get it as there is no vaccine and no cure..It just has to run it's course. Well I am off to deal with the day........

Saturday, October 15, 2005

When she goes, nobody knows

When Maddison came home Monday wearing shorts and a short sleeve shirt, my first thought was ,man I really need to lay her clothes out the night before. I then realized these are her extra change of clothes from school, so I asked her why she was wearing them and she said because she had an accident while at recess and said they aren't allowed to go potty because there is only one person on the play ground and they have to swipe security cards to get back inside.. So I get upset thinking about my poor baby standing crossed legged begging to go inside before being totally embarrassed in front of all the classmates and imagining all these little kids circled around my baby pointing at her while chanting," madd is a baby, she pees her pants" not at all what happened, no body noticed, not even the teacher til later. The next day I get a call from the teacher saying that while at lunch Madd has had a accident again.. Bad mommy I forgot to put dry clothes in her bag so I ran some clothes up to the school. I was told she was in the office, but when I got there they didn't know anything about it.. So I go down to her class and there she is sitting in circle time with all the other kids wet pants and all....We went down to the bathroom to change clothes and she smelled so bad and she was so quite I just brought her home Tried talking to her and came to the conclusion that maybe it was because she was wearing jeans both days and was afraid she wouldn't get them fastened back....Wrong, After sending her to school in stretchy pants ,She came home Thursday wearing different ones. So now I am just so confused and worry that something is going on, but she just keeps saying she doesn't know why...She hasn't peed her pants in years. So if it happens anymore I think I will take her to the DR.. And have a talk with him..

Monday, October 10, 2005

Shadow Box

As promised, here are a couple of pictures of my scrapped shadow box.

12x12 scrapped page before inserted into shadow box

Finished project...

Some popcorn with that Cheese?

Sarah was in the kitchen being way too quite. This is what we found. The
Look on her face when caught was priceless...

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Bye, bye bottle!

Ok just call me lazy. At two years old, Sarah was still getting a bottle. I tried to cut it down to 2 a day and I tried just giving her water.....didn't work , she would eventually end up haveing one hanging out of her mouth all day long and it was the only way to get her to sleep. So sweet to watch her lay there sucking on bottle twirling her hair..Then I had this flash of a five year old laying there, bottle in mouth twirling hair. Must say it wasn't a pretty sight, so Friday I decided it was time. She had gone most of the day without asking,when she did I told she didn't need one, so she asked for a cuppie.. I thought, hey this might be easy.......WRONG... She cried herself to sleep all the while screaming "Bottle",but only woke twice asking for one. yesterday she asked for one a couple of times, cried a litttle when told no, then went on her merry little way.. last night she screamed for 10 minutes and then that was it she slept all night long..It has been easier than I thought and am ashamed that I didn't do it sooner.
The next thing we will work on, is getting her out of our bed.She was always a good baby when it came to sleeping in her own bed. Then she started with the ear infections (7 since January) and has been in our bed since. No matter how big the bed, there just seems not to be much room and I am ready to have my side of the bed all to myself! Not to mention the damper it is putting on our "alone" time.

Friday, October 07, 2005

I thought He/She was long forgotten

Maddison and I were talking and she said "Mommy, you have a lot of kids don't you"? I laughed and said " Well Maddison, three's not a whole lot, but yes I guess so" She said no mommy you have Jordan, Me, Sarah and then remember when you had that baby in your belly and you got real sick and it died and then went up to heaven with Jesus"? I said yes while holding back that flood gates. She said mommy you have 4 kids, but Jesus is taking care of that one until we get to Heaven then we can take care of it...... It's so strange that she mentions it now of all times....October 13th will be the one year Anniversary of my M/C and I didn't even think she remembered the m/c. I catch Maddison with her head bowed, praying all the time.. When I ask her what she is doing, she tells me "talking to God mommy, when I close my eyes I can see him" She ask me, "mommy do you know what Heaven looks like"? I ask her what she thinks it looks like and she tells me"I know what it looks like, everything is gold mommy". She is my little spiritual one.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Changing seasons

By the end of every winter, I can't wait for summer and every Summer I can't wait til winter..I just hate the in-betweens! Today the high is going to be close to 90 and after the cold front moves through tonight, the high for tomorrow is going to be upper 50's low 60's.. With every season change I pull all the clothes out of storage. By all, I mean 12 thirty gallon totes. I know it's wrong for a person to have this many clothes. This is all kids clothes... My aunt has a grand daughter that is 2 years older than J and through out the years has sent her hand-me-downs home for J..Madd has worn them too, plus J's old clothes...Poor Sarah,By the time the clothes get to her , she looks like little orphan Annie! They are fine for around the house and there are some really great looking clothes that Madd had (Most of J clothes are ruined due to the fact that she thought she was a dog most of her toddler life, The knee of all her pants are proof of that)..... So I spent Sunday going through all the clothes, bagging up all my aunts clothes. Everything she has lent us is well worn or out of style and just plain ole taking up way to much space. Good thing is Sarah and Madd have winter clothes (madd might need a couple of things) bad thing is I brought in 2 thirty gallon totes of clothes to be washed and have only gotten one done and with summer clothes still not packed away I have no room left for the rest that needs to be washed and put away...My mom keeps urging me to put all the 0 to 2 years on e-bay. I just don't have any idea how to go about doing it...But I really don't want to have a yard sale.. I hate those things!! (not going to them , just having them).. LOL
I will prob. Be MIA for awhile. I am working on a scrap box for X-mas presents 5 in all. It is a wooden cigar box decorated and then the inside has 6 x 6 page protectors with scraped pages.Just to give you an idea here are a couple of pictures of the one my mom's friends made. The first picture is the decorated box. The 2nd is side A . the 3rd is the other side of pic #2. the next two pics are side one and side two of the next page..(ten page protectors in all)You then take a ribbon and feed it through the two hole at the top and tie it into a bow and you have flip pages. I am making one for my G-ma for Christmas using the red hat society papers and embellishments... I just made a 12x12 shadow box with a scrap page in it for my moms B-day and it turned out so cute and she loved it.. She is now having me make some for my aunt and who knows who else.. So I am going to be busy for a while, But hey I will get to spend lots of money on scrap stuff and I won't even have to use my own money.. LOL..I am almost done making my very first box and I hope to share some pics soon. That is if it turns out.