Busy life
Let me take a few moments to pull myself away from my so called busy life.. The girls have been on Spring break and my nerves got a peek at what my summer will look like and IT NOT GOOD! Sarah loved having her sisters home. She and Maddison played a lot. Which is good since Madd is starting to feel left out because of Jordans new out look on life with little sisters and the thought that she's too old to play with them most of the time.. My mom bought Sarah some flashy panties from the Gap and Sarah has been peeing and pooping on the potty for 3 whole days without an accident. You know its success when you hear her in the bathroom saying "bye bye doo doos, I'll miss you" and then a flush.. Yesterday as I was getting ready to go to the store I asked her if she wanted me to get her some more panties and she said "yes, get me some shiny panties". Hopefully this will be it. Well, this and the fact that we promised her a big surprise when she starts wearing panties all the time.. We will see.
My mom and I took my three girls and my brother two kids to fun city last week. They have a small section for babies and toddlers and then a big section for big kids. We started out on the baby side, but somehow ended up on the big kids side. I sat there almost depressed over the fact that my baby was growing up and no longer needed my constant freaking out over each fall. She didn't need me jumping up and chewing out the mean little red head for shoving her down, No she glared at him with one of her "I'll let this pass just this once, but if it happens again your dead" Looks.. No I learned that day she can hold her own. All these little milestones are so hard to take.. With the other two girl we knew there would be another. This time around we know that Sarah is the last of the babies in the this house.. Just last night I said I had a headache and Sarah said "momma you go on your chair and take a rest" LOL already looking out for me...
Well here are some pictures from Fun City

Sarah going down the roller tube

Maddison taking time to pose

Jordan climbing the cushioned wall

A glimpse at what 16 will look like since they are only 5 months apart

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