School Nurse Problems..
After dealing with Sarah for over a week of being sick, first the tummy trouble then the pink eye and as of last night diarrhea, I am just not a very nice person. Last night J came to me with a sore throat and yes it was a little red.. Gave her Tylenol and a bottle of water and off to bed I sent her... Here is where I feel REALLY bad! At some point in the middle of the night, as I pryed my right eye open, I vaguely remember a small black shadow standing on my side of the bed saying "mom my throat hurts" and the
Oh, what is it with some school nurse's? Most are very nice, but why would a school hire one that is plain O'l freaking hateful that is going to be taking care of children? I had my run in a while back with her when Madd had an accident and she sent her back to her class to sit in wet pants until I could get there whenI walked into her office and told her I was there for Maddison she snapped Maddison who? I told her and she said NO what class? errrr. Well day before yesterday J went to the office because her chest was hurting (to give the nurse a tiny bit of credit J's friend had gone to the office earlier ) So this nurse starts asking J " You came down here just because your friend did! Didn't you? J said " No, My chest hurts like it does when I am starting to get asthma" Natzi Nurse said "You don't have asthma! We don't have anykind of proof you have asthma" OMG!! This pissed me off so bad that DH had to go talk to them because I NEW I would cause a big scene
Our nurse is a little too nice. She will call me for the slightest thing that Nick complains about. :0)
I remember loving the nurse when I was a kid. A beacon of love in the harsh, cruel world of school.
Oh how awful! Glad your DH set it straight though. How horrible that a school would hire someone like that to work with children.
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