A Pink Princess House

Dreading the day when I have to deal with a house full of PMS'ing teenagers. For now I will cherish all the sweet things they say and do. I know all to well the hormonal roller coaster thats awaits me around the corner!

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Sarah's healthy days are over

Sarah has never been one to get sick. Just her ear infections and a couple of colds and a bout of asthma. But it seems as though it is all hitting her at once.. Yesterday she seemed better.. Better enough to have fun with that lipstick, but last night was hell.. She woke several(ok 5 times to be exact) crying that her tummy hurt and her eyes.... She woke up this morning with her eyes matted shut and one is red and swollen. She has been very clingy and cries out that her tummy hurts every so often... She has barley eaten anything since Sunday..I have eye meds for conjuntavities I am using on her and if not better tomorrow she is going to have to go to the doctor. She's napping now. Lets just all hope she wakes up in a better mood..
I forgot to mention, if you click on the link to the side that says Web site you will be able to look at some pics I put together for my MY Web Page. So


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