Still remembering 30 years later......
I spent the weekend shuffling beds and throwing out half of what my daughters have accumulated over the past 9 years.. I think I have kept everything they have ever gotten and I can prove it by the 15 black trash bags sitting outside waiting to be taken to Helping Hands. Not to mention the Bags of trash, 6 in all, sitting at the end of the house. We moved Sarah baby bed out and moved Madds Bed into Sarah's room and J's bed went to Madd's room and then Jordan received a bed that means so much to me. It belonged to my G-mother that passed away from Cancer when I was 6. She had told my mom that when she died, she wanted me to have her bedroom suit. She was so proud of it. As we moved it in and set it up, it brought back so many memories.I hadn't seen it in at least 29 years. I don't remember a lot from my child hood. My memory sucks, but it's funny I remember so many things about grandmother. Her thick Italian accent, She and my G-father met in Italy. We spent a lot of time in that bed playing games.I remember the miniature orange tree that sat on the floor at the end of the dresser and the tiny little oranges that grew on it and the gorgeous roses that she grew.I remember the make up case that sat on her dresser and the tiny white tubes of lipstick that were in it, sample tubes I guess, she had tons of them and I can still remember the smell of them. I remember the smell of the cold cream she put on her face and I remember the little rose shaped soaps she put in the tub for me and my cousin Kathy. I remember some time after her death, spending the night with my G-father and asking for the soaps and sitting there soaking in my last connection. I was probably 7 or 8 then. Other than my G-father from the other side, she is the only person close to me that has ever died. I would have loved to have grown up with her. She was so warm and loving. Every time I walk into J's room I just smile and think to myself. Yes G-mother the bed is finally where it belongs (My G-fathers wife has been using it for years. My mom Jokes that G-mother will get a hold of G-father when he passes. She says she didn't even want him in that bed none the less another woman..LOL)

My G-mother holding my mom

Me and my brother playing on the bed

All it has now is a full box spring. So J is going to have to sleep on her air bed or her sisters bed until we can get a queen box spring and mattress.

It is in such good shape for being over 30 years old
Carmen's bed is my MIL's childhood bed...
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