Happy Birthday to me!
Well for only another 10 minutes... I am a little sad to be 35. I remember being a kid and thinking 35 was like over the hill! Today was also my dad and cousins Birthday. Funny how we were all born on the same day. Yesterday was my nephews B-day so they had his party today at the skating rink the girls loved it. Funny how the smell of one of those place can bring back som many memories. Mostly of the guy behind the skate counter that every girl in the place had a crush on.They way he moved on the skate floor... hmmmm where was I? Oh, I never mastered the art of skating backwards very well. I could only turn around one way and most of the time ended up against a brick wall or flat on my ass.. Nothing more embarrassing than doing a couple skate and making that cool guy you wanted to skate with fall down. Yeah I pretty much sucked.
I got a easyshare 760 digital camera for my B-day, so there are lots of pictures soon to come.. Even a small video of Sarah, if I can ever figure out how to send it..That may take a while!!!
Happy belated birthday!!
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