A Pink Princess House

Dreading the day when I have to deal with a house full of PMS'ing teenagers. For now I will cherish all the sweet things they say and do. I know all to well the hormonal roller coaster thats awaits me around the corner!

Saturday, February 18, 2006


This weather is crazy! Thursday it was in the 70's and yesterday the temps started to drop and last night it started to sleet. It was snowing a little whenI went to bed and this is what I woke up to

We got about 5 inches. I have been waiting forever for it to snow, so the kids could play in it.
wouldn't you know it would come on a night that they were both at their G-mothers? Only Sarah is home and I doubt she will be braving the single digit wind chills today.
Looks like we are going to be out the $20 per ticket we paid for to see Clifford on stage. I doubt the roads will be cleared enough to drive two towns over. I just don't want to take that kind of chance with the kids.

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Everyone's better

Sarah and J are finally better and after spending the weekend with what felt like a throat full of razor blades, I got into the doctor Monday afternoon and was told what I already knew,,, Strep throat! This morning was the first time I have woke up without my throat on fire in 6 days...I am hoping that today I will get my house cleaned.. Did you know that it won't clean it's self? I found that out this past week and I also found out just how MESSY my family is. Hopefully I will get this dump cleaned up today and can post some pics tomorrow.. We will see.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Visit to the Doc

Jordan tested positive to Strep throat and Since Sarah screamed and cried the minute she saw him in the hall, He decided that it wouldn't be worth trying to swab her throat. He said the rash on her tummy and the and the with patches on her throat told him all he needed to know..I have no idea if she will ever get used to the doctor. I had to pry her off me just to turn her around... So on the way home I start feeling worse than I had this morning and now feel dizzy and have a fever, small headache and my throat HURTS inside and out. I want to crawl up somewhere and sleep, but not going to happen until the hubby gets home..2 more hours...I hope. i just want to know how the kids can be this sick yet have all the energy in the world??

School Nurse Problems..

After dealing with Sarah for over a week of being sick, first the tummy trouble then the pink eye and as of last night diarrhea, I am just not a very nice person. Last night J came to me with a sore throat and yes it was a little red.. Gave her Tylenol and a bottle of water and off to bed I sent her... Here is where I feel REALLY bad! At some point in the middle of the night, as I pryed my right eye open, I vaguely remember a small black shadow standing on my side of the bed saying "mom my throat hurts" and the total uncaring bitch of a mother sweet loving mother that I am said" said get a drink of water and lay back down" So when I woke up at 5:30 and started thinking about how the poor thing was up sick and I couldn't even get up and take care of her.. So I laid there and tossed and turned until I got up and went in and checked on her. Sound asleep. I just hope she wasn't up too long by herself. I would really feel bad.
Oh, what is it with some school nurse's? Most are very nice, but why would a school hire one that is plain O'l freaking hateful that is going to be taking care of children? I had my run in a while back with her when Madd had an accident and she sent her back to her class to sit in wet pants until I could get there whenI walked into her office and told her I was there for Maddison she snapped Maddison who? I told her and she said NO what class? errrr. Well day before yesterday J went to the office because her chest was hurting (to give the nurse a tiny bit of credit J's friend had gone to the office earlier ) So this nurse starts asking J " You came down here just because your friend did! Didn't you? J said " No, My chest hurts like it does when I am starting to get asthma" Natzi Nurse said "You don't have asthma! We don't have anykind of proof you have asthma" OMG!! This pissed me off so bad that DH had to go talk to them because I NEW I would cause a big scene arrested, cuffed, and thrown into the back of a patrol car and be asked to leave as a group of kids and teachers gathered around. So Dh took care of it.. And yes it is on file, and yes it says that parents ARE TO BE CALLED. SO nah nah nah nahnah! Like DH told them even if she were faking it (she wasn't, she came home wheezing) it was the fact that the lady told her that there was no proof she had it.. Dumb BEEOTCH! So thinking I will keep her home in case Natzi Nurse is on duty today..

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

This about it!! I am done with it. I can't figure out how to get rid of the Blogger thing on the top or at least get my Pink Princess down where you can at least see the whole words! But I give.... Maybe one day when I have time I will sit down a nd work on it again (oh about 6 months)... for now this is just going to have to be what you see when you read me! Sorry.lol