A Pink Princess House

Dreading the day when I have to deal with a house full of PMS'ing teenagers. For now I will cherish all the sweet things they say and do. I know all to well the hormonal roller coaster thats awaits me around the corner!

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Visit to the Doc

Jordan tested positive to Strep throat and Since Sarah screamed and cried the minute she saw him in the hall, He decided that it wouldn't be worth trying to swab her throat. He said the rash on her tummy and the and the with patches on her throat told him all he needed to know..I have no idea if she will ever get used to the doctor. I had to pry her off me just to turn her around... So on the way home I start feeling worse than I had this morning and now feel dizzy and have a fever, small headache and my throat HURTS inside and out. I want to crawl up somewhere and sleep, but not going to happen until the hubby gets home..2 more hours...I hope. i just want to know how the kids can be this sick yet have all the energy in the world??


At 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yuck....I hope you are all better soon. You are right, kids seem to find energy sick or not.


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