Lipstick..WARNING: NOT A TOY(or form of entertainment)
Never give your child a tube of lipstick to entertain them while you are
talking on the phone and cleaning the kitchen at the same time..
I could see her sitting in my chair, I just never thought to actually walk into the living room and see what she was doing in my chair...I was on the phone with one of my friends that has a daughter that is 7 months older that Sarah and she has the same obsessions only her Beauty product of choice is lotion....Lotion on dolls, stuffed animals, her hair or her new baby brother....So she totally understood when she heard me say OOOOOOMMMMMMGGGGGG! This what I saw---------->

It always amazes me to see just how proud of herself she is when she does things like this. No hanging the head in shame, Nope not Sarah. She shakes her head yes smiles and said I very pretty!
So now she has a red/brown tint to her face which makes her look kind of like an OMPA LOMPA off of Charlie and the Chocolate factory. (the original). Ok off to give her a bath and see how much of the damage can be removed..
Carmen loves, loves, loves makeup! We really have to be careful about what she will get into. Lotion is a big one too-everything is something for her to put on her face.
Oh-adorable pictures!!
that sound you just heard was my jaw hitting the ground. I can't believe she did that . .. it's SOOOO funny!!!
Lana, this picture still cracks me up! I can just imagine HOW PROUD of herself she was!! What a doll!!
Thats really funny Lotion can be good for the skin mybe she is trying to provent getting spots when she is a teenager!
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