Princess Hair

For a long time Madd's hair has been a major discussion in our house. To cut or not to cut is the question. I bounce back and forth on it. I am the one that has to fix it every morning and every morning she tries to talk me out of brushing it saying" but you brushed it yesterday" I really don't want to cut it , but I do think it needs to be trimmed, it has never been cut, well unless you count a couple of weeks ago when I found a clump of hair in her Bedroom floor(under her bed to be exact). I thought Sarah had pulled Madds hair out, but upon further inspection I could see it had been cut straight across. When confronted she tried to tell me she didn't know where it came from. Of course I could see the other half of the hair that was still attached to her head. After talking about it she finally admitted she just wanted to know what it felt like to get her hair cut.... I told her next time she had the urge to see what it felt like let me know and we will go get her hair cut. She loves her hair and I catch her flipping it back and talking to herself about it in the mirror. Oh yes this girl loves to look at herself. And of course in her own words "Would I still be a Princess if I got my hair cut"

Is her hair curly, or is that from braids? It's harder to cut curls. Nick was two before he got his first haircut because of the curls. Carmen's hair is straight, so I feel no pain cutting it.
Yes that's braids, but her hair is curly. I have just gotten to where I hate to deal with it, so it stays in a braid. It is so gorgeous when it is left to dry curly by it's self. Thats the whole reason I havn't cut it. I'm afraid to loose all those baby curls. :(.
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