Dance Dance Dance...
I am so glad last week is over with. Every other year is a major recital for the girls dance(the only difference that I can tell between a major and non major is the programs they hand out and only two days of recitals). This year there were 3 days of recitals and of course my girls had theirs on different days. So last Thursday was Maddisons rehersal 2 hrs, Then the next morning at 10 am was Jordans which lasted 4 1/2 hours then came home, rested and then back to the recital that lasted 2 1/2 hours with two costume changes. Then on Sunday Maddison had her recital, 2 hours long. Dance is over until fall and for that I am thankful. Next dance year will be even more hectic. Jordan will have 3 costume changes and go for 1 1/2 hours, madd 2 costumes and Sarah will start in the 3 year old class. I asked my girls the other day if they would like to play a sport the answer was NO!! When I asked why maddison said " Because I don't want a ball to hit me in the face" yes of course we can't have our princess getting hit in the face... How did I have girly girlys? I am still holding out hope for Sarah, but she has some really good dance moves at 3 so I see her following in her sisters dance steps..LOL

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