A Pink Princess House

Dreading the day when I have to deal with a house full of PMS'ing teenagers. For now I will cherish all the sweet things they say and do. I know all to well the hormonal roller coaster thats awaits me around the corner!

Friday, October 21, 2005

50 things about me

Thought I would share 50 boring things about little'ol me...

  1. I'm 34
  2. I'll be 35 in Dec. I was born on my dads B-day
  3. I don't get excited about my B-days anymore.
  4. I've been married twice
  5. Suffered unexplained infertility for 5 yrs
  6. Never thought I would be a mom
  7. I Got very depressed
  8. Divorced ex hubby after finding out he had been cheating for years
  9. Partied my depression away for a year
  10. Shockingly discovered I was pg, unwed and un-employed......And VERY happy.
  11. DD saved my life
  12. I am married to a very awesome man and wonderful father
  13. My first job was at a hospital
  14. I talk to my mom at least 3 times a day
  15. I am so thankful to have her(even though we have some pretty heated arguments)
  16. I have a brother 2 years younger and a half sister 2 years older. I have talked to her, but have never met her
  17. I think I will one day
  18. I am overweight
  19. I have got to do something about it
  20. Hate shaving my legs
  21. especially in the winter
  22. My favorite holiday is Christmas
  23. I believe in angels
  24. I have never had a ticket
  25. I don't know why
  26. Have the same best friend since first grade
  27. Took dance class when little and have the embarrassing pics to prove it.
  28. Had a drinking problem after my divorce
  29. Only drink a few times a year now..Took me sobering up to realize I didn't like the taste of it
  30. Never have cheated......I've been cheated on more times than I can count
  31. Secretly wished for a girl with each pg
  32. Favorite job I ever had was in a photo lab
  33. least favorite job was a nursing home (one day)
  34. I get migraines 1 to 3 times a week
  35. I'm suppose to wear glasses
  36. They drive me nuts
  37. I have some grey hair. They multiply every year.
  38. My favorite food is steak and shrimp fajitas
  39. I feel uncomfortable in a large group
  40. I am deathly afraid of heights
  41. I have never flown on a plain
  42. Only a helicopter when I was 15
  43. I started smoking at age 16 and stopped in my late 20's
  44. The smell of cig smoke now makes me very ill
  45. I love to scrapbook
  46. I never seem to have the time
  47. I have a fear of dying young and missing my girls grow up
  48. I broke my wrist and ankle when I was young
  49. The only surgery I have had is my gulbladder out at 27 and a lump removed from my breast when I was 3 months pg with dd#3
  50. I am so unorganized


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