I am trying to make my blog a little prettier
Dreading the day when I have to deal with a house full of PMS'ing teenagers. For now I will cherish all the sweet things they say and do. I know all to well the hormonal roller coaster thats awaits me around the corner!
I am trying to make my blog a little prettier
Sarah has never been one to get sick. Just her ear infections and a couple of colds and a bout of asthma. But it seems as though it is all hitting her at once.. Yesterday she seemed better.. Better enough to have fun with that lipstick, but last night was hell.. She woke several(ok 5 times to be exact) crying that her tummy hurt and her eyes.... She woke up this morning with her eyes matted shut and one is red and swollen. She has been very clingy and cries out that her tummy hurts every so often... She has barley eaten anything since Sunday..I have eye meds for conjuntavities I am using on her and if not better tomorrow she is going to have to go to the doctor. She's napping now. Lets just all hope she wakes up in a better mood..
Never give your child a tube of lipstick to entertain them while you are
I don't think all the coffee in the world can keep me awake today. The only hope I have are little slivers of toothpicks that I have carefully placed between my eyelids. My poor baby is still sick. She hasn't eaten since Sunday night except for the 1 1/2 crackers she ate at 4am this morning.ugh ugh ugh! Followed by rolling all over the place holding her tummy and screaming. She is having wet diapers, but I am watching her carefully.. She even refuses popsicles and we all know how much she loves her popsicles..She has had no diarrhea and has not thrown up since yesterday. I have to hold her 24/7 and rub her tummy or back. If it weren't for the refusal of food I would think she was faking it just for the tummy/back rub.
Last night Sarah kept waking up crying, saying that her back hurt. She would arch her back, flip flop around, kick her legs out and keep them streched out and then trying to claw at her back. We gave her some motrin and I rubbed her back until she fell asleep. An hour later she woke up doing the same thing, As I was rubbing her back and dozing off I all of a sudden felt her heaving. I jerked her out of bed and took her to the bathroom and held her over the toilet. She was grabbing her face and shaking so bad...Then I realized. She was scared to death as this was the first time the has ever thrown up. So I cleaned her up and we sat at 3 am with a puke bucket in our lap and watched " When dinosaurs roamed the earth" I was bored Sarah was happy. Finally a couple of hours later she decided she wanted to go lay down with daddy and no more problems. As I sat up with her I realized how much of that, getting up in the middle of the night with a baby I didn't miss!
I am soooo bored! All three girls are gone and DH and I are home alone. It just doesn't feel right. No fights to break up, no one telling on the other for the same thing they were just doing five minutes before. No messes to clean up.. I can just sit here and not have to get anything for anybody but myself.. But yet I miss it.... How can I miss all that? Maybe because Sarah is starting to carry on real conversations that make so much sense and I get so sad when I am slapped in the face with the reality that she is a big girl and nowhere close to my little baby... Maybe that is why she is STILL in our bed and I don't even care. She snuggles up so close and smiles at me and my heart just melts! Thank god for the California king size bed!
Nothing interesting going on here. I've spent the past few days in a little bit of pain. It all started last week when the roof of my mouth would burn every time I took a drink of something warm then the next day a small patch of bumps or blisters came up, I know sounds real gross.. I started thinking about how Sarah had been cranky and not eating well, so I laid her back and pryed her mouth open and on the inside of each check she had what looked like mine...So now I am thinking we had some kind of nasty virus. On top of that I have been so tired and sick feeling all the time. So I don't know if that is part of this virus or if I have caught something from one of the others...That would be my luck.
Ok I guess I can see where a two year old might get the two confused.
A couple of months ago Sarah kept saying "I want a popsicle" After realizing she had been into my purse I went to the freezer and got her one and tried to make the trade. No go and who could blame her? The wrapper on the tampon is much prettier than the one on the popsicle. Finally she gave into my begging and pleading and all was well. We were home and the only ones I had to deal with were the girls asking what she had. I said OH, just mommy stuff and that was that...... Well last night while the girls were at dance class Sarah said " mommy I want a snack" she loves the vending machine and it has become a weekly routine/treat for her to get something from it. Well, I said ok Sarah just a minute mommy has to get some money out of her purse and then I went back to watching Jordan dance. Slightly ignoring Sarah, That is till I heard... YEAH a popsicle mommy, I want a popsicle..I froze, I didn't even have to look to know that she was holding up a tampon, waiting for it to be unwrapped. Now this wouldn't be so embarrassing if it were Maddison's class as it is large and all mommies, but Jordan's is small and has quit a few daddies... So I grab the "popsicle" shove it back into my purse and take her straight to the vending machine and buy her whatever she wants. I just might have to buy a lock and key for my purse. Don't know if I can deal with that kind of embarrassment again!
Today was the girls last day out of school. I have mixed emotions about them going back. We have had lots of fun home together and it's been nice having them to entertain Sarah, plus I have gotten so use to sleeping in, but the girls are starting to fight and the house is filthy, well with exception of their rooms. Laundry is sky high and is going to take a good 3 to 4 days to get anywhere near caught up. With today being the last day home,
I spent the weekend shuffling beds and throwing out half of what my daughters have accumulated over the past 9 years.. I think I have kept everything they have ever gotten and I can prove it by the 15 black trash bags sitting outside waiting to be taken to Helping Hands. Not to mention the Bags of trash, 6 in all, sitting at the end of the house. We moved Sarah baby bed out and moved Madds Bed into Sarah's room and J's bed went to Madd's room and then Jordan received a bed that means so much to me. It belonged to my G-mother that passed away from Cancer when I was 6. She had told my mom that when she died, she wanted me to have her bedroom suit. She was so proud of it. As we moved it in and set it up, it brought back so many memories.I hadn't seen it in at least 29 years. I don't remember a lot from my child hood. My memory sucks, but it's funny I remember so many things about grandmother. Her thick Italian accent, She and my G-father met in Italy. We spent a lot of time in that bed playing games.I remember the miniature orange tree that sat on the floor at the end of the dresser and the tiny little oranges that grew on it and the gorgeous roses that she grew.I remember the make up case that sat on her dresser and the tiny white tubes of lipstick that were in it, sample tubes I guess, she had tons of them and I can still remember the smell of them. I remember the smell of the cold cream she put on her face and I remember the little rose shaped soaps she put in the tub for me and my cousin Kathy. I remember some time after her death, spending the night with my G-father and asking for the soaps and sitting there soaking in my last connection. I was probably 7 or 8 then. Other than my G-father from the other side, she is the only person close to me that has ever died. I would have loved to have grown up with her. She was so warm and loving. Every time I walk into J's room I just smile and think to myself. Yes G-mother the bed is finally where it belongs (My G-fathers wife has been using it for years. My mom Jokes that G-mother will get a hold of G-father when he passes. She says she didn't even want him in that bed none the less another woman..LOL)