A Pink Princess House

Dreading the day when I have to deal with a house full of PMS'ing teenagers. For now I will cherish all the sweet things they say and do. I know all to well the hormonal roller coaster thats awaits me around the corner!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Christmas pics

Well its over.. You spend a week with excitement building, kids going crazy and then bam it's over and in some ways its sad to know all those decorations will be stuffed in a box and stored out of site for another year. Normally I take the tree down the day after Christmas, this year its going to stay until New Years weekend. I don't know if its because I hate to see it go this year or if I am just that lazy. I think I am just dreading the whole task of packing everything away and dealing with it!!

The girls enjoyed Christmas of course.. We went to my moms and opened a few presents there and let the kids decorate cookies for Santa, came home and let the kids open two presents each and then off to bed they went. The girls woke us at 6:30 and then we had to wake Sarah. Santa or no Santa she wasn't happy about being woke up and it showed most of the day. I got Dh a Tiger Woods golf game for his Playstation, a smoker and an IOU on a gun since I refuse to touch one, he has to go find one himself. DH got me a photo printer and I have an IOU for Photo Shop since they were sold out at all the Wal-marts around here and hopefully I will have it this weekend.

Making Christmas cookies for Santa

Hope Santa liked all those sprinkles Sarah gave him.
Sarah Said "boots! I like it, I like it!

More Dora stuff
Santa brought J the Nintendo DS she wanted so bad

Nothing like pretty red dresses and boots!
I knew she took after me. Look at how excited she is over getting her very own box full of scrapbook stuff.

Everybody was out of it by the end of the day,even the last puppy. He spent the day with us and his new owners drove 3 hours to pick him up yesterday. The girls are going to miss him, But since we already have a male dog, there was no way we were going to keep another! Since rusty has begun to act like a male, He has an appt. Tuesday and will no longer be "intact" Thank goodness. I can't even imagine what a cross between a Silky and Cavalier would look like.. hmm maybe one of those new designer dogs they have out now? Some of them are so ugly and are selling for over 600.00 If you ever browse through puppyfind.com you will know exactly what I am talking about.
Well we aren't doing much for the New Years just hanging out between the two houses and playing games with the kids. No fireworks going on here. We have a major burn ban. I even heard that we are not allowed to use the Grill. Don't have to worry about that. DH used his smoker and then refused to eat the chicken because it didn't have the same color as it does when you grill or bake it!! Who knows if he will ever use it again!
Hope everyone has a Happy and Safe New Year!

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

So ready!

I am so ready for Christmas. I love watching the girls faces as they get up and see all the presents under the tree from Santa. Today I told Sarah that Santa would be here in six days and he was going to bring her some presents. She said "Santa Closet gonna bring me boots"! Everyone will get a kick out of that if they remember her obsession with her sisters pink Cowboy boots for the past year, so Santa is going to be bringing her , her own boots finally! Tomorrow is there "winter party" aka "Christmas party" . Funny how so many things have changed since I was in school.. No more prayer, no more Christmas parties, no more mention of god, No more parties at all well except their "winter party" I think we had a party for every Holiday when I was in school. Now the front doors are locked and security is tight.. Which I am not complaining, rather be safe than sorry, just a little sad for the carefree life my children will never have because of all the crazy people out there.
I prob won't blog again till Christmas.. I still have my photo boxes to finish and am no where close to being done! So if I don't post before then Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

I am home alone for three whole days!!! Grant and the girls went to Kansas City for the weekend to have Christmas. I stayed behind because of the puppies. One went to its new home on Thursday. The two girls found a home together. Their new owners called me last night after they got home with the girls and said they knew someone that wanted a male and they would be here Sunday to pick him up.. So that leaves me with two males. I've had lots of calls, but everyone wants girls, can't blame them since yesterday when I caught our male Cavi hiking his leg on Grants suitcase. I think he was just giving him a warm goodbye.. I know what he will be getting for Christmas!! SNIP SNIP!!!

So I have gotten all my Christmas shopping done and now I'm going to spend the day wrapping presents then try to find a good hiding place..I've been taking lots of pics with my new camera. here are a couple from Jordans school play.
me and J before her play
my candy cane!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Happy Birthday to me!

Well for only another 10 minutes... I am a little sad to be 35. I remember being a kid and thinking 35 was like over the hill! Today was also my dad and cousins Birthday. Funny how we were all born on the same day. Yesterday was my nephews B-day so they had his party today at the skating rink the girls loved it. Funny how the smell of one of those place can bring back som many memories. Mostly of the guy behind the skate counter that every girl in the place had a crush on.They way he moved on the skate floor... hmmmm where was I? Oh, I never mastered the art of skating backwards very well. I could only turn around one way and most of the time ended up against a brick wall or flat on my ass.. Nothing more embarrassing than doing a couple skate and making that cool guy you wanted to skate with fall down. Yeah I pretty much sucked.
I got a easyshare 760 digital camera for my B-day, so there are lots of pictures soon to come.. Even a small video of Sarah, if I can ever figure out how to send it..That may take a while!!!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Big Congrats!!

A BIG CONGRATS to my best friend of 29 years, we met when we were 6 years old, We always wanted to be PG together and no matter how hard we tried to get it to work out that way, we only managed 2 months of pg together. Today she became the mother of a 7lb 7oz. 20 in long baby boy. I believe his name is Austin Ray and can't wait to meet him, but I will. I believe a mother and father need to have their time getting to know their little one without the interruption of very well meaning people. I will have all the time in the world to get to know him, as she is becoming a SAHM and we plan on getting our two year olds together a lot to play and hope that they have as much fun as we did as kids.

I also want to say Congrats to my Born in September mommies Jessie and Amy on their BFP they got this month and crossing my fingers that April is not to far behind! Good Luck

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Vent Peeing

Ok Sarah is going through the potty training stage and it Sucks! So far she has pooped in the floor three times and has peed more times than an untrained puppy, But what she did last night caught me off guard. Maddison said "Um mommy Sarah just peed in the floor" I said Sarah did you pee pee? She said "yeah, down there" I said down where? She said "down there" and pointed to the vent in the floor. I am was grossed out and she was so proud that she had peed down that hole. She was on her hands and knees pointing saying "yeah, I pee down there" I'm thinking I might have to tell her there's a butt monster down there, be cause I am sure she will do it again. The look on her face was the look of a junkie with a new drug. She can't wait till she gets that next heater vent fix. I am going to get real tired of cleaning these things out!

Friday, December 02, 2005

Puppy post

If you don't care to hear my ramblings of my pets, you might want to skip this post. It will prob bore you to death!

I would not make a good breeder. I couldn't do it for a living. I could end up keeping at least one from every litter. I hate to part with any of them. Of course ask me in another week when they are able to climb in and out of the box and are pooping all over the floor and I am sure I will have another answer.
Jessie....This is my favorite. She is just so outgoing with a hint of attitude!
Luke...They all look so much alike at this age, I am having a hard time telling them apart. They are now sporting some flashy paper collars made just for this purpose.
The runt.Daisy
Bo... He's a little shy
Duke.....He's a little charmer...
If you haven't caught on yet, they are named after the Dukes of Hazard characters. Only because I listed them on puppyfind and you gotta have a catchy name... At least I didn't call any cooter or Rosco peeco train! And yes there is one missing, but he has already claimed a family so I didn't take his picture..Poor little guy.
On the outside looking in..He just doesn't understand why he's not allowed on the other side where all those baby barks are coming from.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Bad Blogger!

The Holidays are kicking my ARSE! When I do have internet time it's spent shopping or trying to get some kind of idea of what to get my 9 year old. She's at that borderline stage and it sucks! I have seemed to rub off on her a bit, she wants scrapbooking stuff so she can make her own. lol Also at this age things are a lot more expensive..Madds shopping is almost done and I only have one more thing to pick up for Sarah. You see, my kids count each others gifts to make sure Santa didn't stiff them. So, trying to make everything even numbered and price wise is almost impossible and my budget is growing.
Thanksgiving was good. I was sick! The Friday before Madd and Sarah were sick with a cough and fever. Went Christmas shopping Monday and the whole time my throat felt scratchy sore and gradually got worse over the next couple of days. Woke up thanksgiving at 4 with a bad headache and cough. Took 4 ibprofens tried to sleep, splitting headache again by 6 took 4 more ib's at 8. An hour later I took Two Tylenol cold pills. By the time we ate I was SICK!!! Over the next three days I slept maybe 10 hours. The coughing was so bad I thought my chest would explode, that's when I decided to OD on Musinex ( you know the commercial with the nasty little phlym guy that moves into your chest. Just the thought of that made me not want to take those pills!) And who ever knew that taking more pills than you are suppose to could be so rewarding? I was able to sleep all night. It was wonderful...I still have a little cough and my voice is still not back to normal ( I am loving my man voice and am loving giving my DH the heebie Jeebies when we crawl into bed at nights.. LOL)
The puppies are growing and I will share some pics soon. They are starting to climb out of there box and will soon be all over the place. Can't wait for that!
I've been reading everyone's blogs, I just don't have the time to post.