Christmas pics
Well its over.. You spend a week with excitement building, kids going crazy and then bam it's over and in some ways its sad to know all those decorations will be stuffed in a box and stored out of site for another year. Normally I take the tree down the day after Christmas, this year its going to stay until New Years weekend. I don't know if its because I hate to see it go this year or if I am just that lazy. I think I am just dreading the whole task of packing everything away and dealing with it!!
The girls enjoyed Christmas of course.. We went to my moms and opened a few presents there and let the kids decorate cookies for Santa, came home and let the kids open two presents each and then off to bed they went. The girls woke us at 6:30 and then we had to wake Sarah. Santa or no Santa she wasn't happy about being woke up and it showed most of the day. I got Dh a Tiger Woods golf game for his Playstation, a smoker and an IOU on a gun since I refuse to touch one, he has to go find one himself. DH got me a photo printer and I have an IOU for Photo Shop since they were sold out at all the Wal-marts around here and hopefully I will have it this weekend.

Making Christmas cookies for Santa

Hope Santa liked all those sprinkles Sarah gave him.

Everybody was out of it by the end of the day,even the last puppy. He spent the day with us and his new owners drove 3 hours to pick him up yesterday. The girls are going to miss him, But since we already have a male dog, there was no way we were going to keep another! Since rusty has begun to act like a male, He has an appt. Tuesday and will no longer be "intact" Thank goodness. I can't even imagine what a cross between a Silky and Cavalier would look like.. hmm maybe one of those new designer dogs they have out now? Some of them are so ugly and are selling for over 600.00 If you ever browse through you will know exactly what I am talking about.
Well we aren't doing much for the New Years just hanging out between the two houses and playing games with the kids. No fireworks going on here. We have a major burn ban. I even heard that we are not allowed to use the Grill. Don't have to worry about that. DH used his smoker and then refused to eat the chicken because it didn't have the same color as it does when you grill or bake it!! Who knows if he will ever use it again!
Hope everyone has a Happy and Safe New Year!