The Best Years of My Life
Ok maybe not the best, but pretty darn close! The 80's were so fun, maybe it was the fact that I had no worries, no responsibilities. So bare with me as I take a long walk down memory lane..
Favorite movies....The Breakfast Club, 16 Candles, Pretty in Pink, Dirty Dancing and Steel Magnolias..
Favorite Music.....Joan Jett and the Black Hearts, The Outfield,Prince, AC/DC ,Montley Crue and Def Leppard.
Arcade games....Pac-man, Frogger and Centipede
T.V. Shows.....Cosby Show, Growing Pains, Silver Spoons, facts Of life, and Family Ties.
Hair and Make-up styles...Mullets,Side Ponytail, Teased bangs, crimped hair and lots of mouse, Blue Eyshadow and colored mascara
Clothes......Mini skirts and long t-shirts,Tight jeans tapered so much you could barley fit your foot through the leg hole. Keds and Jelly shoes.
Slang word of the 80's........Dweeb, fer-sure, F*#$-N-A, Gag me with a spoon, Gnarly, Have a Cow, Joystick, Lame, Like Totally, Party hardy, Scum Bag, Skank, Stud, To the max.
First car date at 16, NewYears Eve with My friend Jeannie, her boyfriend and Kevin. First time to drive a car was my good friend jeannies big green dinosaur. Loved that car, you could fit 8to 10 people in it easily not to mention all the partying we did in it! First Job at cafeteria at the local hospital.
First car was a 93 Firebird I got for Christmas. Had lots of fun in that car music full blast, Head banging to AC/DC or OZZY..
In the early to mid 80's the skating rink was the place to be and then
in the mid 80's we all hung out at the mall which was convently located right down the road from the Jr.High.. The Bowling Alley was located behind the Mall. My parents weren't big on us being there, so we would "go to the mall" Slip out the back doors and hang out until it was time for a parent to pick us up.. We were so dumb. The smell of smoke prob. Poured off of us...But who cared we were COOL!!! After we got into High school, cruising the mall parking lot and stopping off at the bowling alley every 30 minutes to see if any body "cool" was there.. Some of my first drinking experiences were from some older person at the BA trying to fit in with the young kids by making beer runs for gas money and a pack of cigs.....

pic1. Smoking in the girls room and never got caught. I quite that nasty habit 6 years ago. pic2. I was about 15 wow look at all that frosted blue eyeshadow. pic3 My senior picture. I wonder how long it took to get my hair that high.

pic1. Me on the right and my two best buds still to this day in the front. pic2. Me and my boyfriend,Jr prom.. We were broke up at the time can you tell we both would have rather been someplace else?. pic3 me and my boyfriend senior prom.
I wish I had a time machine to go back in time and spend a couple of days enjoying my carefree days I thought would never end because I knew everything back then!
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