Liar, Liar, pants on fire!
Jordan came to me this morning ,after the tooth fairy left her money(not, and wanted to know if she was real. I said, well what do you think? She said" well I believe she is, but my teacher said that it was just fantasy and that the parents are the ones that leave the money..Errrr..Now I know kids will talk and eventually find out the truth, but for a teacher to flat out say she's not real really pisses me off.. Why not just say "you need to talk to your parents about it and then let them find out from their parents that they have been lied to all these years. The only thing was I couldn't tell her the truth because her little sister was right there. I told her we would talk about it later. So heres my question.. At what age do you tell your kids that you are a liar, liar pants on fire? If she tells her there is no Santa.. Me and that woman will be meeting on the playground after school!!!!!!
Lana, you are going through what I have been dreading. I don't want to tell the truth - not yet anyway. However, I am sure Mackenzie has heard stories. If you find a solution and some place that tells you how to gently break the news, please share it with me.
I agree, it was not the teachers place to tell her that either.
My dear sweet Nick, six and a half, is DETERMINED to believe. He can justify anything he here's about santa and is convinced that he is real. I accidently showed him a pic of the north pole, and Nick was wondering where all the houses for the elves were. DOH! I had to explain to him that there weren't pics of santa's village, because it was *top secret*.
He believed me!!
I would be soooo upset with that teacher!
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