Mouth open, nothing comes out
The questions have begun! Last night my 8 year old asked me what a period was. This is not the first time. A few month ago she asked and my answer I am embarrass to say was " I don't know" can you believe it? So I vowed that the next time she asked I would be ready for it (yeah right!)...So here's how it went
J:Mom what's a period?
M: It's this evil curse that causes you to bloat and cramp and bleed like a sluaterd cow!..... Ok not really... I said well Jordan what made you ask that?
J: Well I asked my G-Ma and she told me a little. She said that every month your body gets ready to make a baby and that when you don't need it for a baby it gets rid of it.. Then my daddy walked in and I got embarrassed ( so I guess it was left at that so I had to tell her where it goes to)
well around 13 you will get your period and you will bleed from your pee pee ( ok never been able to say the V word to my children. Matter of fact my 5 year old calls it her Peeps.. LOL)

J: Well my G-ma said I am to never discuss it with boys! ( Go Granny!!)
M: And you don't talk to other girls about it because maybe their moms haven't talked to them about it either and under no circumstance you are not to talk to your sisters about it! ( I would go nuts with all of them asking about Periods..
So I thought I better get a book on how to talk to my kids about all the things I don't want to ever have to!!

So I thought I better get a book on how to talk to my kids about all the things I don't want to ever have to!!
I had a hard time with the V word too. Look in the mirror, and practice saying it. It gets's easier. Hehe
Now, I make a point of saying it to C when I change her diaper, cause she calls it her p*n*s.
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