Empty bedroom
I have had a major problem getting Madd to clean her room. Most of the time the words "Go clean your room" brings on a sudden fatigue or major leg cramps. Most of the time, when I go to check on her progress I find her curled up on her bed sleeping.. I finally lost it the night before last.. I had asked her to go clean her room and she said "It's too messy" I said "Madd if you don't go in there and clean your room I am going to take a trash bag and throw everything in your floor away" You would think she would have run right in there with the fear of loosing her pony collection that she prayed so hard to god for, but no, this is what I got. A shrug of the shoulders and "OK". This made me so hot. I took 4 trash bags and told her was going to get rid of everything,I again got an "OK " So now there are 4 Large bags sitting in her bedroom floor. It sounds mean, but she just doesn't care.. I blame myself for this.. The kids have been given everything. Between the three of them, you could start a small toy store. Our house is bursting at the seems from all the toys. I am horrible about saving toys for the next one in line,I even have boxes in my closet full of toys that have been there for three years.. I need to go to Toy Horders Aynon! "Hi, my names Lana and I'm a toy whore". DH wants to have a yard sale..I could prob make a small fortune off all the toys, but I hate dealing with yard sales. I would rather give to the childrens shelter. or salvation army......... As to when Madd gets her toys back? I just don't know...Anybody with any ideas, throw them my way!!
I dunno..Nick (6) still cares about his toys! He hates for any of them to go into time out. The threat of trash usually works for him.
I'd say put em away in the garage. You can't give them back yet!!
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