What "ME" time?
Last night all I wanted was a nice bubble bath! On my way to the tub I hear DH ask Sarah if she wants to watch daddy play his game?(which is located in our room. UGH! All I could think about was how Sarah was going to be on the other side of that door saying "I want bath too, mommy" Or the fingers and one eye peering at me from under the door while crying mommy over and over...I said forget it and took a shower..Good thing I made it short, because when I came out of the bathroom I said "where's Sarah" DH said " in the living room watching cartoons" I walk in the living room and she is sitting there watching of all things King of the Hill. What a great show for her to watch. I have never watched it so I have no idea the names of the characters, but the father had been violated by a dolphin.. So if Sarah starts walking around acting like a nasty minded dolphin, I'll know where she got it from.. Oh , but that wasn't all . She had a tube of triple antibiotic oniment and had it all over herself. I just keep telling myself there are worse tubes of "stuff " she could have gotten into LOL...Give her time..
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