Calm before the storm
Yesterday Madd came home from school with two necklaces she got from the goody box at school for staying on green all week (good behavior) one said "Best" and the other said "Friends". Maddison said "Jordan, here you can have one because you are my best friend". Today I heard the girls talking about how much they love each other..awww. so sweet. I must say for being 4 years apart they are very close. They have their own rooms,but they sleep cuddled up to each other every night. Jordan has always had patience for her little sisters. As she gets older I am starting to see her need her own space and as she does distance herself a little I see a new relationship blossom. Madd is starting to treat Sarah as a sister instead of that pain in the butt, attention stealing little brat she has seen her as before.. I think it is because Madd has learned that she now has someone that looks up to her like she does to Jordan at the same time she knows she has a little goffer.. LOL... I know that this is just the calm, but this is one storm I can wait for. I just hope and pray they always love each other this much...
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